Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reader Help

Being the list person I am, I'm a little suprised (ok, shocked) that I haven't yet put a Bucket List together for myself. I mean, I make lists all the time, all day long but haven't yet put any thought into "thee" list? What's up with that? So, yesterday I sat down to start my little list but couldn't think of one dang thing to put on it! Ok, I did think of one thing, (don't laugh) I want to learn to do the splits but that's it. Sad, I know. So, I thought I'd enlist the help of my beautiful readers...

Can you give me some good ideas to put on my Bucket List? What do you have on yours?


Diana Mieczan said...

Hmmm...How about visiting the North Pole and seeing Santa's workshop (when I have a little one I will do it for sure) and I wish I could name a star one day!

Kisses darling and have a fantastic day!

k said...

visiting iceland was on mine (before that awesome video came out by the way!). i mean, i don't really have one either which is kind of sad. i keep meaning to make one! you should put hangliding on it - or visiting switzerland and having din and drinks with me! yeah!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I have a goal of going to the fair, riding a hayride, and eating cotton candy with a handsome man. I have the man...

M.A said...

Just have fun with your bucket list! Think of a thing you want to do or learn today. Set goals for yourself, find things that will make you Happy. Good luck with your list I hope you will do a follow up post about it.

Anonymous said...

come to visit me, hehe! ;)
well, do all the lovely and scary and amazing things you always dreamed but never dared to do... lovely greets!

jemina said...

Sorry, I am not familiar with bucket list, may I know what it is, here in Singapore I don't have Bucket List, is it like a wish list? or a wish list for christmas? but based on previous comments I deduce that it's got to do with holiday? if it were correct then my bucket list would be got to Europe and have fun, sight see and eat, and shop of course (please don't laugh at me if i get all this wrong ha ha ha), have a fabulous day, xoxo

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

I haven't actually made a list either...I'd like to though!! I know I would put 'go sailing' on it...I'd like to visit Paris, NYC and Hollywood...have children...open a cupcake cafe! :)

Kristen said...

I think most of mine have to do with traveling somewhere. It's all about travel. But I don't have a physical list. ever been to the island of Santorini in Greece? It's a bucket lister for sure.

Nikki said...

Paraglide. Of course you should put anything riskyat the end of your bucket list or else you may not finish it ;)

jemina said...

Now I feel silly ha ha ha :), BUT truly what a great idea bucket list is, OK here's my bucket list" I want to travel the world and take pictures of animals and nature, YAY!!!!!, thanks for letting me know what a bucket list is JEN, I love this idea :))), xoxo

Jen said...

You're welcome Jemina!

Ok, so I have a few more that I'm going to add to the list... visit all 50 US states, go to a nude beach, skydive (tandom, of course), run a 5k and take a strip tease lesson ;-)

Ann On and On... said...

What a coincidence my mom and were just talking about this yesterday. I am working on a 39 things to do this year....I'll be post about that in a day or so.

Bucket List ideas- write a book, volunteer locally or overseas, do one thing to change someones life in a positive way (that's a big one), travel to ?......

melifaif said...

Doing the splits....that is hilarious lady!!! I can get you to do that, but there is NO telling what doctors you would need to visit there after...bahahahaha. I wanna visit Australia and the Greek Isles. As well as discover America, but we all know that ain't gonna happen. Just kidding...just explore our beautiful states.

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Niagara Falls, The Rocky Mountains, being a Bride, riding a motorcycle, owning a Chanel handbag, a pair of Versace shoes, and Louis Vuitton luggage, let's see there is little things like growing hydrangeas, photographing a hummingbird, painting a sunset, learing Yoga, a kiss under the Eiffel Tower, and leaving those Bitches at the Yacht Club speechless when I tell them off Julia Sugarbaker style.

Sailing...I want to sail, and own a houseboat, a color cruise up the Tennessee River when the leaves are changing in the fall, Australia, don't forget Australia.
Owning a Harlequin Great Dane, and a simple pearl necklace, setting up a memorial fund for runaway children, and catching one bigger than him!
I love you, this is the innermost thoughts of my mind here!

A Casa da Vá said...

travel the world!

Caroline said...

Visit Japan and New Zealand ... complete an Iron Man by the time I am 30, live in Europe for a year, try all the coffee drinks at my favorite coffee shop, go running barefoot, go to culinary school ... those are some of them. Love your blog and I do hope you become a regular of Coeur de La!!! XO

Anonymous said...

travel the world is definitely on my bucket list...

Mango Gal said...

Cross country road trip, buy our first house, grow a vedgetable garden and actually use it, visit all seven continents (yes, even Antartica), try a drastically new hair cut or color, learn a new language, get over my fear of kareoke and belt out a tune...

Those are all I can think of for now! LOL Hope it helps!

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that you can't think of anything to put on your list says that you have lived a full and satisfying life up till this point! Mine is all travel and too long to list.. here are the top three, London, Greece, Italy! Oh, yes, of course own a house on Nantucket - which is actually more of a pipe dream considering the real estate prices on the island! xo

thais said...

how funny!! I have to write my bucket list down... but it's been on my to dos list for a while now ;)

this free bird said...

Visit the pyramids and ride a camel!!

dating diva said...

Explore the Amazon river in a canoe! Have dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower! Stay out until 5am club hopping in Panama City, Panama! I've loved all of these ;)


MCW said...

Sail up the Nile, visit Australia, dance at my own wedding, sky dive, swim with sharks (although I may die doing it, I am so scared!)...I could go on and on...

I'maNolaGirl said...

I'd like you to add "Go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras" to your list so that I can show you around and throw you some beads!!!

Contact said...

travel travel travel - go to the olympics, world cup, stanley cup, world series - some sort of spectacular sports event (i cant believe im saying this bc im not even a sports fan, but its about the energy)

Blair McLeod said...

i don't have a bucket list yet either -- needing one!! i think i would put starting an etsy on mine (product tbd).

loving your blog! i'm new here. :)

your newest follower

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

I totally cracked up when you said splits.
I would like to take my kids to Disney World one day. Is that a bucket wish??? I'm not sure.

Anyway congrats on your blog award from me. I just had to give this one.

Cheers Lisa xx

Lisa's Yarns said...

I don't have a bucket list either... Mine would include alot of trips! And maybe skydiving?

Josie said...

I so desperately want to make a Bucket List but it seems like such an intimidating project! Everything I come up with (finishing college, etc) seems so... Bland.
xo Josie

bananas. said...

i think a lot of people already said it but travel somewhere crazy unique. somewhere other people wouldn't even think of. get a tattoo (if you don't already have one). run a marathon. learn something new like surfing or knitting. adopt a pet. etc. etc.

C.A.M said...

I have a few on my list- mostly travel! But my two biggest is...

Get lost in a small town in Tuscany for a year... eat, drink & learn italian.

and as said as this sounds... simply fall in love. :)

Go where your heart desires... Good luck Jen!
Cam xox

OneCraftyFox said...

I have never heard of a bucket list... really :) But doing the splits totally made me laugh even though I knew I wasn't supposed to!

I suppose just come up with things that you think will make you happy or challenge you :)

Brooke said...

standard bucket list stuff. travel to europe, run a marathon. then there is the weird stuff like pay for my niece and nephew to go to college. have a million dollar net worth by the time i'm 40.

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

Plan a world trip! Buy an all around the world plane ticket! Go on adventures, experience different cultures :)

Delightful Bitefuls

Jo said...

I just want to learn to breakdance before I die. That pretty much sums it all up.
My hubby and I would love to go to Ireland some day. But learning to breakdance is really more important.

little luxury list said...

Hmm how about:
1. Dive in Belize
2. Go on a safari in South Africa
3. Grow peonies
4. Cruise around Greece
5. Learn a martial art
6. Master pie crust
7. Be a better salsa dancer

Blair McLeod said...

blogged about YOU today!! you're one of my new faves!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

I love lists, especially bucket lists. :) I have lots of traveling, and learning new things on mine. Like visiting Ireland, and learning to dance.

Abby said...

I want to visit places in Asia like Korea and Japan. And learn to play the piano better than decently. Hey, maybe you should learn an instrument? Or a different one if you already know one?

(maybe I should learn to play the tin pan)

Olivia said...

Your blog. IS. AWESOME.

RedHead said...

Fashion Show in NYC!!! I have a list in my head but nothing on paper!! You might inspire me to do this soon!!!

Unknown said...

i have a bucket list of fifty things that i'm constantly crossing off and replacing with new goals! it's a major source of motivation and inspiration for me so i'm happy to hear that you're starting one as well! a few of my favorites are to ring in the new year in fiji, to publish a book, to donate anonymously to charity, to run/walk a marathon... i hope you'll share your own with us soon!

Corinne said...

ooooo i want to sky dive for sure!

Jessica said...

I just found your lovely blog and couldn't help throw a few more suggestions into them, um, bucket.

1. Feel dwarfed in a redwood forest.
2. Swim in both oceans.
3. Ride in a hot air balloon.
4. Ride a mule to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Kelly Leigh said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope it gave you a few ideas! I love having a bucket list it makes me feel focused on what I want to achieve. Let me know when you post yours!


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