Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Glistening Gold

Oh Lovlies, how I wish I had an event to wear each of these gorgeous outfits too! Gold is one of those few colors that can make anything look rich and fabulous! I can't even pick a favorite from below, they're all so amazingly HOT!!


Anonymous said...

Golden goddesses. Love the halter dresses. You would look great in any of these. xo

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! I too wish i had somewhere to wear these!!! How about a Christmas party! :)

MCW said...

Pretty sure my roomie wore that 2nd to last dress on NYE this year...

PS - I tagged you.

Unknown said...

Everyone needs some gold in their life! love the pictures!

Lou said...

Yep if only I had the chance to attend some fabulous party where a gold shimmery dress was absolutely required! L x

Unknown said...

Oooh Jen, these are just gorgeous -and yes, so hot! Great choices :)

Loved the photo of the dog in the post below too :) And yes it was just Feb last month, where has the time gone, ugh?!!

Happy Tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Great way to add some excitement to your wardrobe :)

Gorgeous Glam said...

I love gold! These are great pieces! xoxo

ashlina {the decorista} said...

oh so fun + glamorous. i wish i had somewhere to wear those too. happy day! :)

Unknown said...

Oh yes! Party with the gold and beige! Love that bottom pic especially!

Shelley said...

those are gorgeous! gold is such a pretty color to wear!

Geisslein said...

these golden dresses are to beautiful! At this time gold is my favorite - I´ve bought me some golden leather Chucks and a golden leather belt - ooohhh LOVE it ;o) have a lovely day today!!!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Can't wear gold, just looks like crap on a brunette to me. Sucks yes!

Diana Mieczan said...

So stunning! Gold always make a grand statement! I feel the same way. I wish I would have somewhere to wear those beauties!
Btw: I love the bra from the top photo.
Great selection :)
Kisses and have a great afternoon

Olivia said...

If I had the body for that dress I would totally wear it. So hot!

Mrs Anne said...

i'm usually not a gold fan, but i like these alot.

1 Funky Woman said...

Wow, how amazing all of these are! I couldn't even get one of my girlfriends in one of those but I can sure find other ways to wear gold like on my feet maybe, LOL!

Love the doggie picture from the other day!

Lyndsy said...

That dress is TDF! I heart the texture and how sparkly it is :)

Leah said...

Stunning! I always go for the glitzy stuff!

Kristopher K said...

Such beautiful glistening gold photos ... & I just adore your blog header ;)
... Thanks for your lovely comments earlier today on my blog / I wonder if I can I guess what colour you might chose for your rag quilt ... lol.
Cheers Kris ;)

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Im so with you, we don't get to wear these pretty frocks anywhere, just admire them!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Just gorgeous! I remember gold being really big back in the 80s, but these are nicer. Hey, thanks for visiting my garden sign post in my blog with a nice comment.

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

And, BTW, love the dog pic for your header!

Unknown said...

i have these images saved too! gold is just so regal. lovely inspiration, love!

Charmed by the Star Filled Texas Sky said...

Adorable!! Those are so Fab! Love them! Also, adore your pretty, pretty Blog! :)

Lisa's Yarns said...

Gold is a fabulous color for a party dress! Now if only I had somewhere to wear something like that!

Oh, and it's great to 'meet' a fellow Minnesotan! I only 'know' one other MN blogger!!

Andrea said...

Yes, gold is fabulous! I'll take little gold jacket please!

Lindsay said...

Omg that second dress IN LOVE! xx

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

love the first picture! great post!



Claire Kiefer said...

OH man, I love gold! On clothes, shoes, jewelry, everywhere! The blingier the better, in my opinion. :)

Dressing Up For Me said...

Wow, that dress on the last photo is so fab! Perfect for the NY eve, I think. ;)

Oneofthesisters said...

hee..yummy! You need some junk food now and again :P Lovely blog btw! :)

Unknown said...

These are all stunning!

Kristen said...

I love gold and the pics! The tube dress is one Miley Cyrus and Gwyneth Paltrow wore- I love love love it!


They're drop dead gorgeous! Seriously show stoppers. Hope you're having a great week sweetie! xoxo

Anonymous said...

gold is the power! i don't even know why i just typed that, but that is the feeling i am getting from these luxurious images and stunning dresses and skirts.

the joielala girls said...

so fabulous!


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