Thursday, June 3, 2010


Everyone has those kind of days and I guess today it's my turn. I'm not feeling very happy. Actually, I'm feeling pretty sad. So please excuse me for a day or two and then I'll be back and ready to go! Love all of you!


Claire Kiefer said...

Sending lots of love your way--feel better soon! xoxo

k said...

keep your head up, lady =)

Lisa's Yarns said...

That was me yesterday. I fought hard to keep the tears at bay when I left work yesterday. I felt so God awful (have a sinus infection) and just wished my mom lived closer so she could come over and rub my back (I am such a baby when I am feeling sick).

Hope you feel better soon!

Rebecca said...

SMILE :) always does the trick for me when i'm feeling a little gloomy... :) :) :)

A Perfect Gray said...

hang in there. you have lots of us cyber-friends who wish you all the best...thinking of you! Donna

Kristen said...

love ya. hang in there...

Talia said...

Sending a big hug to you. This will pass and you will once again, be cheery.

Blessings to you...

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that girl! I hope you get to feeling better very soon! You can always put a smile on MY face with your blogs! :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Fell better soon. I hope those few days off will do you some good. Much love your way.

Mrs Anne said...

I am always here to listen.
I care about you.
I hope you are ok.

Jo said...

Hey Jen, Just know that you're not alone. I'm sending hugs and love your way, darling. Take some time for yourself.

xoxo ~Jo~ xoxo

KT My Lady said...

Sending good thoughts and love to you. You've certainly been there for me when I've walked through the valley, and we're all here for you now. Take good care, and we'll see you soon.

haircutting in high heels said...

Girl, just know that you are loved, thank you for putting it out there with your honesty that takes guts!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

I love you my friend!!

I'maNolaGirl said...

Oh no, you too. I have been having that kind of week. In fact, that picture made me tear up.

I hope you have a nice little rest and have a wonderful weekend.

Sophie-Nicole. said...

hope you are feeling better soon, i think we all know the feeling! smile :)

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

*big hugs* sending good thoughts your way!

Ss said...

Hope you're soon feeling better!

Jess said...

Hope you feel brighter soon xx

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

BIG hugs. xx

Delightful Bitefuls

Andrea said...

Oh honey, feel better! Whatever it is, it will pass. I hope my blog award that I sent you cheers you up!


Lindsey said...

Bless your heart! I have those days from time to time. I did last week actually!! Hope things get better and something great comes along to cheer you up!! Hang in there!!

Heather Feemster said...

Know that we've all been there, believe me girl I've been through the're smart to let it out but then remember the law of attraction and focus your thoughts on the positive so the light can bless you. xo

Little Emma English Home said...

Live these moments through but keep a look ahead. They are moments, soon you will feel better. In the meanwhile just be how you feel.... A warm hug from Italy xoxo

La Burbuja Rosa said...

I hope you feel better soon..take care...

shopgirl said...

Oh Jen, I'm sorry to hear only advice is that it's only a moment in time and it will pass. I suffer from the blues on occasion too and it's great to have support from friends, family and blogging friends too.

Hope you're feeling happier soon!

p.s. for some reason watching romantic comedies always make me feel a tad better.


Anonymous said...

((hugs)) Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not having a great day. :( Thinking of you and hoping to see that beautiful smile soon. xo

Lady Grey said...

Oh I hope you feel better soon. We all need to be sad every once in a while... but don't be down too long, you're WONDERFUL!!!

Unknown said...

everyone has those days... thinking of you and sending my love!

jenn said...

oh no! you must feel better soon! hang in there!

melli said...

sending you big hugs down your way ..I'm feeling your pain i get like that sometime too xxx

Diana Mieczan said...

Sorry sweetie...I hope you will be ok soon and we all have those days...Just remember, tomorrow is a new day:)
Have a rest!

godessunseen101 said...

Come back soon! Your blog is fabulous !!
We need you !

Im now following you !

Be sure to check out my giveaway !

Alice H

Hélène Heath said...

Aww :( I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes it's good to let it out though.. xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Ah! I'm sorry you're feeling sad. It's been one of those years I think, the winter's been far too long. I find a funny film or a good book is a welcome distraction. Sending love from London xx

Angie said...

Totally understand!! I've had a few of those since this friggen' econcomy tanked! Hang in there!!! We'll be here when you get back! ;)

Lou said...

Hello. I am so with you - have had one of those weeks...
Here's hoping that you dark cloud passes, take care, get some sleep, look after yourself! Louise x

Kerry said...

Take care, rest and look after you. No pressure from anyone here I'm sure.

Kelly said...

Come back soon when your feeling better. :) <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

Mayflower said...

Everything's gonna be allright! You just need some well deserved you-time =) x

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh so sorry to hear that. hope you feel better soon! sending you warm hugs your way! :) xo

Lila said...

Hope your day is going better. Maybe this will help. I sent you an award.

Come get

Lila said...

Hope your day is going better. Maybe this will help. I sent you an award.

Come get

MCW said...

I hate those days. But, the sun always shines again!

Unknown said...

Jen, I am really sorry to hear that honey....please know that I am hoping things get better very soon....sending you a hug from London, a heartfelt one xo

drollgirl said...

oh, i hope you are feeling better soon. these kinds of days are long and hard, and it will be nice when you are back on track. :)


Oh honey I'm so sorry to hear! Sending you lots of love & hugs. Feel better soon xoxoxoxo

Beth said...

That images just makes me want to reach in and give you a big hug. I hope you feel better quickly.
xoxo Beth

Anonymous said...

keep your head up lady :) and I'm looking forward to hear from you again soon!!

hugs! xx

Mary Ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Ann said...

sorry to hear that, we all have our days like this, but hope you feel better, sweetie! come back soon...verbena cottage

nicole said...

feel better... whenever you are ready! ... and thank you for the honest feelings, it's refreshing when everyone seems sooo happy all the time around here!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of love from me:)

The Shiny Pebble said...

I hope you are feeling better. If not yet, go to bed early or watch a good movie. It will get better. This too shall pass.

Kristen said...

awww I'm so sorry love, even this picture just makes me want to cry


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